William E. Wynne Sr. 1925-2017



Above, my father’s official USN photo circa 1975. He was from a generation of men who’s love of country and family were strong enough to never need the acknowledgement of others, far less praise nor reward. They were motivated solely by belief and love.


Do not feel sorrow for my father, for he had a long life, conducted with complete fidelity to the ideals of this country and his family. Since swearing in to the U.S. Navy on 3 July 1943, he never faltered from his Moral Purpose, to play a role in securing a Free World, and live in this world with his family.


Do not feel sorrow for my family, For my Mother had the unwavering love and support of a husband of 67 years. My father was sterling example of fatherhood, a gift I appreciated more with each year. The children in our family have always understood our unspeakably good fortune to have been born to our parents, a blessing beyond the possibility of overstatement.


If there is anything to be somber over let it be this: Decency, courage and sacrifice to a greater purpose than self, the values of the generation of men who provided the world we live in, have tragically fallen from the common currency of men, to something considered rare and perhaps antiquated.  My father and men of his times understood an example of an honorable and decent life, bequeathed far greater riches than lives that worshiped lesser purposes. Shipmates of my father, even ones who gave their lives very young, had lives of meaning because they considered it their privilege to have served a cause greater than self.






59 Replies to “William E. Wynne Sr. 1925-2017”

  1. May your father rest in peace. I hope that your mother is doing well. My condolences to all of your family and all of the people who his life touched.

  2. My condolences William, to you and all your family. Your father was obviously a great man and I am sure he will be dearly missed.

  3. William, my families condolences to you and to your family.

  4. Thank you for sharing your father with us, William. He is a great role model, and he has touched us all.

  5. William,
    You were truly blessed to have such a great man for a father. My prayers are with you and your family in celebration of your Father’s life. He was one of the last great generation!

    Blaine Schwartz

  6. Our condolences to your family. I have enjoyed reading about your father over the years.

  7. John & Susanne Niemeyer

    Our condolences to you and your family. Our prayers are with you all.

  8. William:
    I thank God for your father’s life and the undoubted positive effect he had on the many lives he touched. May the Lord grant you, your family, and his friends the Peace that passes all understanding during this time.
    Robin Oldfield

  9. William & family

    Our heartfelt prayers go out to you and your family. Your father is a true American hero!

    Jim & Ginger Tomaszewski

  10. William,
    Very well said. Condolences of course for you and your family while remembering a life well served and lived is the greater consolation.

    Harold and Edi

  11. What a blessing your dad was to you, obviously. He will be missed by all of us in the Corvair community as he was a big factor in how you tick! Prayers coming from your protege in Temple, Texas to you and your family.

  12. William, You are a blessed man for having such a great role model as your father, and even more fortunate to have recognized the value and importance of the lessons he taught you throughout life. Those lessons do not stop with his passing and you will continue to learn, recognize and remember more through life. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time, as you celebrate the wonderful man that he is.

  13. William, may peace find you and your family at this time. You have shared your memories openly with us so that we could know who your father was and what it means to be steadfast in belief and character. Thank you for this.

  14. You have a lot to be proud of. The values and integrity that you learned from this man have served you well. Condolences to you and your family.

  15. William,

    One of my regrets in life is not having had the privilege of meeting your father. Yet I feel that I know him through your thoughtful writings. He is, in my book, a true American hero. We are losing more and more people like your dad every day. And we as a people and a nation are the lesser for it.

  16. William, my sincerest condolences at the passing of your father. Please be comforted in the fact that he had a rich and Wonderful Life. Mike Maury.

  17. Thanks for sharing William. Our thoughts and prayers are added to the chorus. It is never easy,. I am sad for our nation at the loss, but am grateful you have shared his deeds and character with us.

  18. Thank you sharing the stories of your father and your family through the years. They have been a source of inspiration and appreciation for what his generation accomplished. As for the loss of many of those attributes in current times, I am reminded of what Ben Franklin said at the end of the Constitutional Convention when a woman asked him what kind of government the people had been given: “A republic, madam, if you can keep it.”…..

  19. I just got back from visiting my father on his 90th birthday. From what you have shared, I suspect that I was raised by parents that were from similar stock. I know what it is to have this much respect for his generation. My condolences.

  20. A right on announcement the way the man would have wanted it according to the story you’ve shared about him. Celebrate, honor, and generate echoes of his best qualities.

  21. My condolences to you and your family William. Though the years with what I’ve learned about your father for you. I am vary honored to have served in the same military as him.

    Paul Visk

  22. William I am sorry for your loss. You are indeed fortunate to have had a father such as yours; and I’ll hazard a guess that nothing has been left unsaid between you. I am in the same club, however I continue to experience the pleasure of having my father (at 88) regularly visit my shop (as I build airplanes) and often meet me for lunch or dinner. I know the day will come when I no longer will have my father in my life and when the time does come I will be left with the same conclusions that you have arrived at.

  23. William,
    In some sort of way many of us felt as if we knew your father because of all the stories you have shared about his service over the years. He was truly a rare gift given to our country. You have all the right to be proud of him as I know that you are. Thank you for sharing him with us.

    Scott Sutton

  24. William, I am very sorry to hear about your father. Please accept my most sincere condolences, I will be thinking of you,

  25. Well stated and his legacy is a lesson for us all! He lived a purposeful life.

  26. William, Thank you for sharing with us Your Father and his life. I am thankful for men like him and what they mean to our country and our families.

  27. Condolences and blessings to you and yours. My Grandfather was a Navy pilot who served in similar places and duties as your Father. I sometimes wonder if they ever crossed paths. In any case, I can identify and appreciate his service to family and country. Thank you for sharing about him.

  28. Dearest William,
    I am sorry for the loss of your father. It saddens me to know that he won’t be a phone call or plane ride away from you, but I know that his spirit is with all of you. You were lucky to be blessed with such a wonderful father. I lost my father in 2013 and not a day goes by that I don’t think of him… I understand. Sending you a hug and my love. My condolences to your family.

  29. I am thankful to live in a country where great men have gone before, to ensure that future generations could live a life free of tyranny, and with the promise of freedom, without regard for repayment of their sacrifices, for we could never hope to repay them. Thank you for sharing your father with us, he truly was a man who lived a ‘strenuous’ life and was In The Arena. We are all the better for it. May he rest in peace.

  30. William, you are in our thoughts and prayers. I enjoyed reading your posts about your father.

  31. So sorry for your loss. I know he met the world to you. Our condolences to you and your family.
    The Sackmann family.

  32. Very sorry to hear of your fathers passing. Thank you for sharing the stories of his service and his character. I know your are very proud of him. Know that his character continues to shine through you. May your entire family find peace in this difficult time.

  33. William and Grace, Their are many here on flycorvair who’s parents are of that age where their journeys is more winter than fall. You are not alone, we know what you have and are going through. Thank you for sharing your Dad’s life with us, he made a difference standing in the breach for Liberty. Our hearts are with you, our Condolences, The Liberatore Family.

  34. He was truly a lovely man. We were privileged to know him, even briefly. Nancy and Michael Brown

  35. Condolences on the loss of your father, William. As many others have stated, he will live on in the memories of family and those he touched during his full and meaningful life. He made a difference.

    This article is a fitting tribute to a great man – thank you for sharing. You are a testament to his values, convictions and positive parenting. I have found it refreshing to read of his life experiences and how it has made you the man you are.


  36. William and Grace, The “Old Guard” moves with precision as the clip of hooves and the clicking of heels swells the heart with pride. The men and women who endured day by day doing their jobs are at rest. Please take the time to visit the War Memorials. The Korean War Memorial needs to be seen at sunup showing the endurance of men fighting for their country. Some days are harder than others. Let the day bring your family happiness knowing your father served a grateful nation. 1969 – 1972 Craig Owen USAF 30650

  37. William,

    Sincere condolences to you and your family. You are truly blessed to have had a wonderful, loving relationship with your father. – Bob Krause

  38. You and your family have my condolences, William. To read of your love and admiration for your father and to see the values he obviously instilled in you says a lot for who he was.

  39. It is a wonderful thing to see a man’s life so honored by his son. This world was clearly enriched by his presence, is now lessened by his departure, and yet will remain strengthened by his legacy. My condolences to you and your family, and my sincere thanks for your father’s life of decency and sacrifice.

  40. William,

    Condolences to all the family. You have honored your father by making many of us aware of his courage and sacrifice for our nation … and you will continue to honor him as we see how wonderfully he has passed on to you, his son, a very high standard for honesty and integrity.

  41. Connie and I, like so many others, offer our condolences and prayers for your Mother, you, and your entire family. May His peace be with you as your family, and we, honor the memory of your great father. Non sibi sed patriae.

  42. William

    I have no words other than please know my thoughts and prayers are with you and Grace, your mother and the rest of your family. We all recognize his as a life lived well, with dignity, honor and purpose. Thank you for sharing him with us. We are better for knowing him through the eyes of his loving son.

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