Corvair College #28, getting to last call


One month from today, we will be in Texas for Corvair College #28.  The sign up has been open for many weeks, and we have a very strong roster of builders, in addition to several flyers who will be returning with flying Corvair powered planes.

Initially we had discussed closing the registration on Feb. 14th, but I am inclined to close it before that. If you are going to go, you should know by now. We always have a number of guys who sign up on the last day, no matter what day we set. To those guys, let me say today is the day to sign up. I am now looking at closing the sign up as soon at the 7th, or as soon as we hit the projected number of builders. This is the 9th story I have written about the event, and it may be the last notice before we close the registration.

At some colleges I am looking to get the exposure for a lot of new builders. CC#25 was run that way, and the registration was open on it right up to the event. CC#28 in Texas is different because Kevin and Shelley are catering all the food, and thus need a reasonable lead time on knowing how many people will be there. At #28 the total number of builders is far less important to me than having a college that is a stand out in the depth and quality of the experience.  Decide now if you will be there and be a part of it, or if you are OK with just reading about it 5 weeks from now. -ww.


Click on this link to learn about the sign up:




Photo taken January 25th in our backyard in Florida: The illustrious Ken Pavlou is on the left, Grace in the middle and Peter Shean.  Ken and Peter are both 601XL builders with 95% complete airframes and first class 2700cc Corvairs for them. Ken runs all the on-line registration for all the Colleges out of his home in CT. Ken and Peter were in the middle of a mad weekend dash the length of the East Coast picking up aircraft parts (and having a very fun adventure doing so.) They spent less than 18 hours in Florida, just enough time to catch some sleep and absorb some 65F weather. Ken is famous for running road trips that are source of memories you can get a gut laugh out of 5 years later. The backstop to our 25yd. range is over Ken’s shoulder.


For a look at previous Colleges, click on this link:

Corvair College History….in photos

To get a look at CC#28 information, click on any of the 7 links below:

CC#28, last call for motor mounts, etc……

50 days until CC#28, and a look at CC#22

53 Days until Corvair College #28.

60 Days until Corvair College #28

Corvair College #28 registration is open

Corvair College #28, Feb 2014 in Texas.

Upcoming events, Airshows and Colleges #26-28.